StarLight Hoodie -FAQ-/ The Most Common Questions And Comments We Receive

What Is The Starlight Hoodie

The Starlight hoodie is the first product and the first collection from NEBULASEASON, we like to call it the "Starlight Premire" collection because it's the first ever one, the one that is going to kickstart our brand to the very top.

Why is the NEBULASEASON Starlight Hoodie so expensive?

The reason why the price is so high for the NEBULASEASON Starlight Hoodie is because of the high production cost and the high quality and expensive materials we love to use. Fun fact ONE single Starlight V2 Hoodie costs a whopping $1,500 JUST TO EVEN MAKE! Our original price was $850, but finding out we would make no money whatsoever and we would actually lose money and be in thousands of dollars in debt, we had to raise it to $1,300. Even our the margins are still thin. The production cost to make the hoodies is well over $500,000, and that was the revenue we would made if we sold them at $850, see how that would be bad for us? That would be our first and last drop, we actually wouldn't even be able to finish and would have to cancel and refund everyone even after that we would still be extremely screwed.

We are dedicated to using the best of the best quality on everything we make and sell to you; our clients, we will use the best fabrics, the best materials and we think of the best designs and put everything together. Everything we use is top-notch and always authentic. The crystals we use are the best of the best, so good that we are spending over $150,000 just on crystals ALONE! If that's not dedication towards quality over quantity then I don't know what is; and these crystals are cut so well they look like natural VVS diamonds, if we could somehow use natural VVS for our clothing we would. If we ever use a substitute for a material, just know that the original material is either illegal to use, like for example: Leopard fur, or they would be pretty much impossible to obtain in large wholesale quantities, like for example: Genuine Meteorite Slices- Straight From Outer Space.

NEBULASEASON isn't just a regular luxury brand. When you think of luxury brand you would likely think of high-quality craftsmanship, unique designs, exclusivity, and HUGE price tags, right? Well, that would be the case but lately, the clothing industry has been getting weak, weak with craftsmanship, creativity and especially with designs, these bigger brands are getting lazy, every season they just reproduce stuff from last season and add a new twist, or they would make something new and it would just be horrible and people buy it anyways because it's "designer" they assume just because they have been around for so long that they can sell you anything and as long as it has their names on it and then you would practically buy it, which we feel like its taking advantage of their fan base, are you still with me??

That introduction was necessary to explain why we are different, we are also different because we actually care about our "customers" we don't even call you guys customers we call you "clients" the word customer is always associated with grocery stores and high quantity mass-produced products, our products are limited, when you purchase from NEBULASEASON you join a family of few, but a great family and one full of really rich people, imagine this, you order a Starlight Hoodie and your hoodie is hoodie number #23 and your favorite artist orders and they get hoodie number #34, you would now be in what we would call "a family" of that spesific hoodie that no one else has, can have, or will have besides you guys and you will be apart of that family forever unless you transfer the ownership but even then we will always service you; you guys are treated like royalty over here.

When it comes to NEBULASEASON we don't get lazy, most of our items I'd say like 85% of our products are handmade and cut and they are also carefully put together, ALL of our production items are numbered and the anti-counterfeiting system we have isn't even digital yet. Even though we are trying to work with Certilogo to give our clients the best digital experience when it comes to authenticity and the history of their product, if an item is not handmade or made or put together with extreme materials like ostrich leather then it won't be limited and will be sold at a pretty reasonable price, we are not greedy over here we just like to make really really cool stuff.

Where can customers purchase the Starlight Hoodie, and what is the pricing range?

Clients can purchase the Starlight Hoodie once released; the price will be $1,300. The release date is still uncertain; we can’t rush anything when it comes to this brand; great things take time.

We estimate that a possible release could take place between June and October of 2024.

How would you even wash the Starlight Hoodie?

You can’t, well actually you can but you can’t put it in a washing machine or dryer because of the material we use for the light. If you put it in the washing machine or dryer it will break and unfortunately that is unfixable and you would totally ruin the hoodie, then you would have to send it to us to remake it, but other than that, to wash the hoodie you would need to take it to a professional garment washer and tell them that you need to spot clean the hoodie, tell them that the hoodie is very delicate and it features crystals and pearls, and even though the crystals and pearls won’t come off easily, cleaning around them could be tricky. If it’s really bad you can just send it to us, and we will do our best to get it cleaned, if not we will remake your whole hoodie, we will make it like the damage never happened.

What inspired the creation of the Starlight Hoodie?

The inspiration for the Starlight Hoodie started when our CEO and Creative Director Andy Laurore saw the collaboration Moncler did with Palm Angels, where they made a jacket that was luminous, and from there, the ideas just came rushing, and he drew the design on a piece of paper, and everything just grew from there.

What sets the Starlight Hoodie apart from other garments on the market?

Well, to start, the Starlight Hoodie is the first of its kind; we’ve never seen anything else exactly like it on the market, and to our knowledge, it's the only one.

The Starlight Hoodie makes up for its price; the V2 hoodie is the version we are selling, and that version costs a whopping $1,500 to make just one hoodie, and the price we sell at is $1,300. If we sold one, we would be -$200. We only make a profit because of the amount we produce, making the bulk cheaper, but even then, the profits are still not the biggest compared to other luxury clothing brands.

I didn’t mean to go off track, but to answer the question, our garments make sense for the price; the other garments don’t. Most luxury brands use expensive materials, but most of the time, they are used for special products, and even those special products would still be overpriced. Our hoodie, for example, if it was made by a way more popular brand, that hoodie would be around $30,000, but our price is $1,300. Other garments make use of their name, and once they put it on a garment, the price increases like 1,000%.

Who is the mastermind behind NEBULASEASON's design philosophy?

The mastermind behind this whole brand is our CEO and Creative Director Andy Laurore; he is the one that started this whole thing with his god-given ideas and talented designs.

What makes NEBULASEASON better than ALL of the luxury brands that already exist?

We talked about this a lot in our other FAQs that we answered but to keep it brief, we make really, really good clothes, we don’t overcharge on stuff that doesn’t need the high price tags, we care for our clients, our clothes aren’t just regular clothes with our logo on them, we provide services for our clients that benefit them, and the list just goes on and on and on.

What is the quality like with the Starlight Hoodie?

On a scale from 1-10 I’d say a 10 not because it’s my brand but because the whole point is to make it as high quality as possibly possible if that makes sense but name a designer brand with a hoodie I bet ours would beat its quality.

Is the hoodie that we see on your TikTok and Instagram page the final version of the hoodie that we will be paying for?

The hoodie you may see is the old version; we would only be promoting that one as a demo because we don’t have the new one yet. Once we do, it’s game over for the clothing industry.

Be honest, for $1300 what exactly are we getting besides a crystal light-up hoodie?

Taken from the “Why is the NEBULASEASON Starlight Hoodie so expensive?” question and pasted to fit this one.

We are dedicated to using the best of the best quality on everything we make and sell to you, our clients. We will use the best fabrics, the best materials, and we think of the best designs and put everything together. Everything we use is top-notch and always authentic. The crystals we use are the best of the best, so good that we are spending over $150,000 just on crystals ALONE! If that's not dedication towards quality over quantity, then I don't know what is. And these crystals are cut so well they look like natural VVS diamonds; if we could somehow use natural VVS for our clothing, we would. If we ever use a substitute for a material, just know that the original material is either illegal to use, like, for example, leopard fur, or they would be pretty much impossible to obtain in large wholesale quantities, like, for example, genuine meteorite slices - straight from outer space.

NEBULASEASON isn't just a regular luxury brand. When you think of a luxury brand, you would likely think of high-quality craftsmanship, unique designs, exclusivity, and HUGE price tags, right? Well, that would be the case, but lately, the clothing industry has been getting weak; weak with craftsmanship, creativity, and especially with designs. These bigger brands are getting lazy; every season, they just reproduce stuff from last season and add a new twist, or they would make something new, and it would just be horrible, and people buy it anyways because it's "designer"; they assume just because they have been around for so long that they can sell you anything and as long as it has their names on it and then you would practically buy it, which we feel like its taking advantage of their fan base. Are you still with me?

That introduction was necessary to explain why we are different; we are also different because we actually care about our "customers"; we don't even call you guys customers; we call you "clients". The word customer is always associated with grocery stores and high quantity mass-produced products; our products are limited; when you purchase from NEBULASEASON, you join a family of few, but a great family and one full of really rich people. Imagine this, you order a Starlight Hoodie and your hoodie is hoodie number #23 and your favorite artist orders and they get hoodie number #34, you would now be in what we would call "a family" of that specific hoodie that no one else has, can have, or will have besides you guys, and you will be a part of that family forever unless you transfer the ownership but even then we will always service you; you guys are treated like royalty over here.

When it comes to NEBULASEASON, we don't get lazy; most of our items, I'd say like 85% of our products are handmade and cut, and they are also carefully put together. ALL of our production items are numbered, and the anti-counterfeiting system we have isn't even digital yet. Even though we are trying to work with Certilogo to give our clients the best digital experience when it comes to authenticity and the history of their product, if an item is not handmade or made or put together with extreme materials like ostrich leather, then it won't be limited and will be sold at a pretty reasonable price, we are not greedy over here; we just like to make really, really cool stuff.

What are some of the brand's goals or aspirations for the future?

We plan to be the best brand when it comes to quality, experience, exclusivity, and overall designs. Even a woman’s only clothing line is already in the works. We are looking into making different products and accessories, but nothing too small. We also have aspirations to design cars and do car makeovers, pretty much saying we want to also become a luxury car modification firm, but that will be its own separate thing away from the NEBULASEASON Luxury clothing brand, but it will have the NEBULASEASON name.

NEBULASEASON wants to be the brand that people take apart and cut open the products to check the quality and see that the quality matches up with the price. We would likely give them a sample model to do this with; we would never ruin a production model for the name of science. Nowadays luxury brands get a plain tee and screen print their logo and charge $500; we won’t ever be this cheap and greedy when it comes to craftsmanship.

We say go big or go home.

Are there any collaborations or partnerships associated with the Starlight Hoodie?

We are trying to get some celebrities that are big on clothing and some streamers and influencers on board, but no one has been responding. I hope you all can help out with this issue lmao, but it no one replies it’s not an issue, they will see it soon.

Does the hoodie come by itself or in a poly bag?

Nope, that’s too cheap; you guys deserve a well-designed box, with all the essentials you need in them, like instruction booklets, an extra battery, dust bag to put your hoodie in to protect it when it’s in your closet. You will also receive a hydrophobic spray bottle to spray the hoodie with to keep it cleaner for way longer. Personally, handwritten and signed letter that personally says your name and also confirms the authenticity of the hoodie, letter and signed by our CEO and creative director, that letter would be an equivalent to papers for a luxury watch. If you buy super high-end watches in the $10,000-$1,000,000 range, then you will know what we mean, if not, you will soon experience just that. You guys made this brand possible with the support so let us go beyond normal and do our best for you all.

Is there an app associated with the hoodie, and what functions does it offer?

Yes, it does. The hoodie comes with an app; the app will come on a card with a QR code. You open the link and download the app; from there, you would connect the app to the receiver on the hoodie via Bluetooth. From there, you can slide the colors to wherever you want, and it will instantly and actively change while you swipe. The app also has modes you can set; a cool one is where you can literally make it sound reactive, where if you talk, your voice will make the hoodie react, depending on the volume you’re speaking in. This would be great for clubs.

Can users customize the light display of the hoodie, and if so, to what extent?

Yes, they can. The hoodie comes with an app; the app will come on a card with a QR code. You open the link and download the app; from there, you would connect the app to the receiver on the hoodie via Bluetooth. From there, you can slide the colors to wherever you want, and it will instantly and actively change while you swipe. The app also has modes you can set; a cool one is where you can literally make it sound reactive, where if you talk, your voice will make the hoodie react, depending on the volume you’re speaking in. This would be great for clubs.

What powers the illumination feature of the Starlight Hoodie?

The hoodie is powered with a built-in polymer lithium 1800mA rechargeable battery. The battery takes around 3 hours to charge and in return gives you 6-12 hours of light reflection time. That’s if you keep it on all day, so from the time you finish the 3-hour charge, it should be able to be kept on for around 12 hours straight. Also, the time spent turned on is determined by the amount of time you leave it to charge, so the full 3 hours should give you around the full 12-hour expectation - the info on the batteries was given to us from the factory themselves.

An extra battery with chargers will be added in the packaging that it comes in.

Will you have replacement batteries?

Yes, we will. You will have 1 extra; if you ever need another, you can email us, and we will ship it for free, but we would likely only ship one.

How does NEBULASEASON engage with its community or clients?

NEBULASEASON will post tons of updates whenever we sell out; we will never leave our clients in the dark. We know how it feels to be ignored; we will answer everyone’s questions via email, Discord, Instagram DMs. We may not be able to get to everyone, so we will frequently do story FAQs, especially since this is a preorder.

Once all orders are received, everyone will get a letter in the mail saying the order is on the way. We do this because we don’t want anyone holding our payments; that’s also why we won’t use PayPal for purchases. We will post as much as we possibly can; even the smallest updates will be posted. We will try to post every day and make a highlight of all the updates. We will also make a list every Friday of everything that happened with the progress for that week. Doing this will keep our clients informed and out of the dark, keeping you happy and informed.

What services does NEBULASEASON provide for its clients?

NEBULASEASON loves its clients, we offer services like, garment care, meaning if your hoodie is ripped or very stained we could make you a new one and replace the NFC tag and it will be as if nothing happened, we also have a thing where if you order 5 items from the same product line, meaning you order 5 different Starlight Hoodies you are now qualified to personalize your very own Starlight Hoodie to your liking, and that fee is on us making the customization free of charge. There aren’t many services we could provide besides selling clothes but once we get the hang of everything we will think of and add more services that benefits our clients.

What other products or collections does NEBULASEASON offer?

We will offer things like different bags, for example, duffel and backpacks, which are already in the works. Knowing us, the first-ever NEBULASEASON Bags will be made with the world's most exquisite materials; you will have to just wait and see for yourself. We promise it’s gonna be worth the wait.

Are there any plans for future iterations or variations of the Starlight Hoodie?

Yes, we plan on making more colors, but we won’t make too many Starlight Hoodies. After our COLORS release, we will drastically reduce the number of Starlight Hoodies made. The COLORS release will bring 7 new colors to the STARLIGHT series, but after that, we may release only 2 variations every year. But during that year, we will release other equally high-quality crafted clothing. I don’t wanna ruin the surprise; this is just another one of the things you will just have to wait and see.

Will washing the hoodie damage the light?

Yes, washing it in a washing machine and drying it in a dryer will indeed ruin it to total distraction. The lights on the hoodie are actually waterproof, but the twisting and turning of the hoodie during the washing process are what does the damage. To keep this question Look at our “How would you even wash the Starlight Hoodie?” question.

How will I know that you guys won’t just run off with our money?

To begin, Andy Laurore is the owner of the brand, and if anything happens like running off with your money, then he would be in lots of trouble, the brand would get shut down and the list goes on to places we don’t even wanna talk about, plus if he did the money would get seized and there would just be no point in scamming people for very short financial gains, plus we want to create a brand that’s not only good with quality but better than the bigger brands when it comes to design, the same way people make music and and have a favorite artist is how NEBULASEASON wants to be but with clothing and we can’t really do that by scamming people, it’s just wrong and no one would gain anything from it. The owner of the brand will also do talks on camera regarding the status of the hoodies while mass production has started, if that makes you feel any better, but in conclusion that would be a very horrible idea and a very bad mistake that would hurt many and benefit none.